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SL Paper 3

The peak wavelength of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation spectrum corresponds to a temperature of 2.76 K.

Identify two other characteristics of the CMB radiation that are predicted from the Hot Big Bang theory.


A spectral line in the hydrogen spectrum measured in the laboratory today has a wavelength of 21cm. Since the emission of the CMB radiation, the cosmic scale factor has changed by a factor of 1100. Determine the wavelength of the 21cm spectral line in the CMB radiation when it is observed today.


Alpha Centauri A and B is a binary star system in the main sequence.

State what is meant by a binary star system.


(i) Calculate b A b B = apparent brightness of Alpha Centauri A apparent brightness of Alpha Centauri B .

(ii) The luminosity of the Sun is 3.8 × 1026 W. Calculate the radius of Alpha Centauri A.


Show, without calculation, that the radius of Alpha Centauri B is smaller than the radius of Alpha Centauri A.


Alpha Centauri A is in equilibrium at constant radius. Explain how this equilibrium is maintained.


A standard Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram is shown.

Using the HR diagram, draw the present position of Alpha Centauri A and its expected evolutionary path.


A spectral line in the light received from a distant galaxy shows a redshift of z = 0.16.

State two characteristics of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation.


The present temperature of the CMB is 2.8 K. Calculate the peak wavelength of the CMB.


Describe how the CMB provides evidence for the Hot Big Bang model of the universe.


Determine the distance to this galaxy using a value for the Hubble constant of H0 = 68 km s–1 Mpc–1.


Estimate the size of the Universe relative to its present size when the light was emitted by the galaxy in (c).


Theta 1 Orionis is a main sequence star. The following data for Theta 1 Orionis are available.

Luminosity L = 4 × 105 L
Radius R = 13R
Apparent brightness b = 4 × 10–11 b  


where L , R  and b  are the luminosity, radius and apparent brightness of the Sun.

State what is meant by a main sequence star.


Show that the mass of Theta 1 Orionis is about 40 solar masses.


The surface temperature of the Sun is about 6000 K. Estimate the surface temperature of Theta 1 Orionis.


Determine the distance of Theta 1 Orionis in AU.


Discuss how Theta 1 Orionis does not collapse under its own weight.


The Sun and Theta 1 Orionis will eventually leave the main sequence. Compare and contrast the different stages in the evolution of the two stars.


A particular emission line in a distant galaxy shows a redshift z = 0.084.

The Hubble constant is H0 = 68 km s–1 Mpc–1.

Describe what is meant by the Big Bang model of the universe.


State two features of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation which are consistent with the Big Bang model.


Determine the distance to the galaxy in Mpc.


Describe how type Ia supernovae could be used to measure the distance to this galaxy.


The diagram shows the structure of a typical main sequence star.

Star X is likely to evolve into a neutron star.

State the most abundant element in the core and the most abundant element in the outer layer.


The Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram shows two main sequence stars X and Y and includes lines of constant radius. R is the radius of the Sun.


Using the mass–luminosity relation and information from the graph, determine the ratio  density of star X density of star Y .


On the HR diagram in (b), draw a line to indicate the evolutionary path of star X.


Outline why the neutron star that is left after the supernova stage does not collapse under the action of gravitation.


The radius of a typical neutron star is 20 km and its surface temperature is 106 K. Determine the luminosity of this neutron star.


Determine the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the neutron star in (c)(iii) emits most of its energy.


The first graph shows the variation of apparent brightness of a Cepheid star with time.

The second graph shows the average luminosity with period for Cepheid stars.


Determine the distance from Earth to the Cepheid star in parsecs. The luminosity of the Sun is 3.8 × 1026 W. The average apparent brightness of the Cepheid star is 1.1 × 10–9 W m–2.


Explain why Cephids are used as standard candles.


Show that the apparent brightness bAT4d2, where d is the distance of the object from Earth, T is the surface temperature of the object and A is the surface area of the object.


Two of the brightest objects in the night sky seen from Earth are the planet Venus and the star Sirius. Explain why the equation bAT4d2 is applicable to Sirius but not to Venus.


The data for the star Eta Aquilae A are given in the table.

L is the luminosity of the Sun and M is the mass of the Sun.

Show by calculation that Eta Aquilae A is not on the main sequence.


Estimate, in pc, the distance to Eta Aquilae A using the parallax angle in the table.


Estimate, in pc, the distance to Eta Aquilae A using the luminosity in the table, given that L=3.83×1026W.


Suggest why your answers to (b)(i) and (b)(ii) are different.


Eta Aquilae A is a Cepheid variable. Explain why the brightness of Eta Aquilae A varies.


The collision of two galaxies is being studied. The wavelength of a particular spectral line from the galaxy measured from Earth is 116.04 nm. The spectral line when measured from a source on Earth is 115.00 nm.

Outline one reason for the difference in wavelength.


Determine the velocity of the galaxy relative to Earth.


Distinguish between the solar system and a galaxy.


Distinguish between a planet and a comet. 


The following data apply to the star Gacrux.

Radius = 58.5 × 10 9  m Temperature = 3600  K Distance = 88  ly

A Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram is shown.

On the HR diagram,

Main sequence stars are in equilibrium under the action of forces. Outline how this equilibrium is achieved.


A main sequence star P, is 1.3 times the mass of the Sun. Calculate the luminosity of P relative to the Sun.


The luminosity of the Sun L  is 3.85 × 1026 W. Determine the luminosity of Gacrux relative to the Sun.


The distance to Gacrux can be determined using stellar parallax. Outline why this method is not suitable for all stars.


draw the main sequence.


plot the position, using the letter P, of the main sequence star P you calculated in (b).


plot the position, using the letter G, of Gacrux.


Discuss, with reference to its change in mass, the evolution of star P from the main sequence until its final stable phase.


An image of a comet is shown.

Comet P/Halley as taken March 8, 1986 by W. Liller, Easter Island, part of the International Halley Watch (IHW) Large Scale Phenomena Network.

The astronomical unit (AU) and light year (ly) are convenient measures of distance in astrophysics. Define each unit.




Comets develop a tail as they approach the Sun. Identify one other characteristic of comets.


Identify one object visible in the image that is outside our Solar System.


Data from distant galaxies are shown on the graph.


Estimate, using the data, the age of the universe. Give your answer in seconds.


Identify the assumption that you made in your answer to (a).


On the graph, one galaxy is labelled A. Determine the size of the universe, relative to its present size, when light from the galaxy labelled A was emitted.


The graph shows the observed spectrum from star X.


The second graph shows the hydrogen emission spectrum in the visible range.


The following diagram shows the main sequence.


Suggest, using the graphs, why star X is most likely to be a main sequence star.


Show that the temperature of star X is approximately 10 000 K.


Write down the luminosity of star X (LX) in terms of the luminosity of the Sun (Ls).


Determine the radius of star X (RX) in terms of the radius of the Sun (Rs).


Estimate the mass of star X (MX) in terms of the mass of the Sun (Ms).


Star X is likely to evolve into a stable white dwarf star.

Outline why the radius of a white dwarf star reaches a stable value.


Sirius is a binary star. It is composed of two stars, Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A is a main sequence star.

The Sun’s surface temperature is about 5800 K.

The image shows a Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram.

The mass of Sirius A is twice the mass of the Sun. Using the Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram,

State what is meant by a binary star.


The peak spectral line of Sirius B has a measured wavelength of 115 nm. Show that the surface temperature of Sirius B is about 25 000 K.


The mass of Sirius B is about the same mass as the Sun. The luminosity of Sirius B is 2.5 % of the luminosity of the Sun. Show, with a calculation, that Sirius B is not a main sequence star.


Determine the radius of Sirius B in terms of the radius of the Sun.


Identify the star type of Sirius B.


draw the approximate positions of Sirius A, labelled A and Sirius B, labelled B.


sketch the expected evolutionary path for Sirius A.


The surface temperature of the star Epsilon Indi is 4600 K.

Determine the peak wavelength of the radiation emitted by Epsilon Indi.


Using the axis, draw the variation with wavelength of the intensity of the radiation emitted by Epsilon Indi.


The following data are available for the Sun.

Surface temperature  = 5800 K

Luminosity                  = L

Mass                          = M

Radius                       = R

Epsilon Indi has a radius of 0.73  R . Show that the luminosity of Epsilon Indi is 0.2  L .


Epsilon Indi is a main sequence star. Show that the mass of Epsilon Indi is 0.64  M .



Describe how the chemical composition of a star may be determined.



Describe the stages in the evolution of Epsilon Indi from the point when it leaves the main sequence until its final stable state.


The Hubble constant is 2.3 × 10-18 s-1.

A galaxy is 1.6 × 108 ly from Earth. Show that its recessional speed as measured from Earth is about 3.5 × 106 m s-1.


A line in the hydrogen spectrum when measured on Earth has a wavelength of 486 nm. Calculate, in nm, the wavelength of the same hydrogen line when observed in the galaxy’s emission spectrum.


Outline how observations of spectra from distant galaxies provide evidence that the universe is expanding.


A distinctive feature of the constellation Orion is the Trapezium, an open cluster of stars within Orion.

Mintaka is one of the stars in Orion.

Distinguish between a constellation and an open cluster.


The parallax angle of Mintaka measured from Earth is 3.64 × 10–3 arc-second. Calculate, in parsec, the approximate distance of Mintaka from Earth.


State why there is a maximum distance that astronomers can measure using stellar parallax.


The following data are available for the Cepheid variable δ-Cephei.

Peak luminosity = 7.70 × 1029 W

Distance from Earth = 273 pc

Peak wavelength of light = 4.29 × 10–7 m

Outline the processes that produce the change of luminosity with time of Cepheid variables.


Explain how Cepheid variables are used to determine distances.


Determine the peak apparent brightness of δ-Cephei as observed from Earth.


Calculate the peak surface temperature of δ-Cephei.


Astronomers claim to know the properties of distant stars. Outline how astronomers can be certain that their measurement methods yield correct information.


The graph shows the variation with distance from the Earth of the recessional velocities of distant galaxies.

Outline how Hubble measured the recessional velocities of galaxies.


Using the graph, determine in s, the age of the universe.


Eta Cassiopeiae A and B is a binary star system located in the constellation Cassiopeia.

The following data are available.

Apparent brightness of Eta Cassiopeiae A    = 1.1 × 10–9 Wm–2
Apparent brightness of Eta Cassiopeiae B    = 5.4 × 10–11 Wm–2
Luminosity of the Sun, L                             = 3.8 × 1026 W

A Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram is shown.

Distinguish between a constellation and a stellar cluster.


The peak wavelength of radiation from Eta Cassiopeiae A is 490 nm. Show that the surface temperature of Eta Cassiopeiae A is about 6000 K.


The surface temperature of Eta Cassiopeiae B is 4100 K. Determine the ratio radius of the Eta Cassiopeiae Aradius of the Eta Cassiopeiae B.


The distance of the Eta Cassiopeiae system from the Earth is 1.8 × 1017 m. Calculate, in terms of L, the luminosity of Eta Cassiopeiae A.


On the HR diagram, draw the present position of Eta Cassiopeiae A.


State the star type of Eta Cassiopeiae A.


Calculate the ratio mass of Eta Cassiopeiae Amass of the Sun.


Deduce the final evolutionary state of Eta Cassiopeiae A.


Outline how the light spectra of distant galaxies are used to confirm hypotheses about the expansion of the universe.


Light from a hydrogen source in a laboratory on Earth contains a spectral line of wavelength 122 nm. Light from the same spectral line reaching Earth from a distant galaxy has a wavelength of 392 nm. Determine the ratio of the present size of the universe to the size of the universe when the light was emitted by the galaxy.


Estimate the age of the universe in seconds using the Hubble constant H0 = 70 km s–1 Mpc–1.


Outline why the estimate made in (b)(i) is unlikely to be the actual age of the universe.


The Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram shows several star types. The luminosity of the Sun is L.

Identify, on the HR diagram, the position of the Sun. Label the position S.


Suggest the conditions that will cause the Sun to become a red giant.


Outline why the Sun will maintain a constant radius after it becomes a white dwarf.


During its evolution, the Sun is likely to be a red giant of surface temperature 3000 K and luminosity 104 L. Later it is likely to be a white dwarf of surface temperature 10 000 K and luminosity 10-4 L. Calculate the  radius of the Sun as a white dwarf radius of the Sun as a red giant .


The Hubble constant is accepted to be 70 km s–1 Mpc–1. This value of the Hubble constant gives an age for the universe of 14.0 billion years.

The accepted value of the Hubble constant has changed over the past decades.

The redshift of a galaxy is measured to be z = 0.19.

Explain how international collaboration has helped to refine this value.


Estimate, in Mpc, the distance between the galaxy and the Earth.


Determine, in years, the approximate age of the universe at the instant when the detected light from the distant galaxy was emitted.


The light from a distant galaxy shows that z=0.11.

Calculate the ratio size of the universe when the light was emittedsize of the universe at present.


Outline how Hubble’s law is related to z.


Eta Cassiopeiae A and B is a binary star system located in the constellation Cassiopeia.

Distinguish between a constellation and a stellar cluster.